Becky Sheaffer-Egan is a Physical Therapist, Pilates Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Specialist, Oncology Rehabilitation trained and the primary practitioner at WELLHAB.She graduated with her Bachelors Degree in Biological Sciences from UC Davis in 1992 and with her Masters in Physical Therapy in 1996 from Samuel Merritt University.She became Polestar Certified in Pilates in 2004 and completed her Lymphatic Therapist Certification in 2019. With a lifetime of self treatments for her own scoliosis, Becky has begun expanding her knowledge of German borne, Physical Therapy Specific Scoliosis Exercise treatments as well.
Becky's educational background in physical therapy is extensive with training in Maitland evaluation and treatment, Kaiser Residency's 6 month intensive Advanced Manual Therapy Skills and Mentorship, McKenzie treatment methods, Michigan State Osteopathic Medicine Evaluation and Treatment methods, Watsu techniques, Baad Regaz, Muscle Energy, Ergonomic consulting, Pelvic Pain Manual Techniques, Body Rolling Techniques and Craniosacral Techniques. She treats with influence from Paul Chauffeur, D.O. and his Mechanical Link techniques and applications which address all planes of movement in peripheral and spinal joints, lines of force, cranial and sacral complexes, long bones, dural restriction, visceral mobility and vascular restriction. She also treats with influence from Mark Bookhout, P.T., FAAOMPT which helps to integrate of all of the above treatment methods and techniques in her clinical practice.
Manual therapeutic treatment benefits are enhanced and supported by the work that Becky has done with Pilates, Sports Rehabilitation, Body Rolling, and Neuromuscular Reducation techniques. Pilates-based skills help clients of all levels, strengths, and function learn to move with more ease and less stress on each joint. Becky's philosophy on exercise is that is should enhance the way we perform our life tasks or pleasures and become part of our lifestyle. This leads to a lifetime of fitness, efficiency, and therefore, wellness.
Becky's goals are to individualize each treatment session to empower clients with the skills and training to feel their bodies move with a balance of strength, flexibility and fluidity while minimizing pain. This comes not only from the physical body, but the mind and spirit as well. A holistic balance allows efficiency in movement and minimizes joint stressors due to faulty movement patterns regardless of whether the activity is simple or an athletic sport at its highest level.